Finally I have begun construction on the Brand Bar. The work schedule is high if I am to meet the 30/3/07 deadline. Apart from a couple of print outs and pictures, all the plans are in my head. Foolish? maybe. But so far so good, and precision is not the goal here, but obtaining some character that will hopefully grow with time.
Layout in position, Base and first uprights & In position with Uprights attached

Fitting of lower bench, Lower Bench fixed & 2nd half of lower Bench fixed
Some good help never goes astray...
My beautiful assistant, and Horizontal supports for top bar in place
The skeleton of the bar...
Start of side panels & shelf & Opposite side showing side panels & shelf
Panels on, Workers at it & Trimming on
Beginnings of the Bar Top & Trimming attached
So it is 20/3/07, and the bar is nearing the end of stage 1.
I have been busy sanding, and am anxiously awaiting the final step of staining the little beauty.
Staining has begun!
And with the deadline here....the bar is in operation!
(Still work to do though)
18/6/07 - Some recent work, including the neon sign and shelving.....
Continued here....
Looking good mate. Could defo use a Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese bar towel when finished.
hiya shane and bigsis how are you bars looking good hopefully it will be fin when i've got there so stack up with crisps ,fizzy, choclate and gin for mum. have you guest who I am I'm owen it is a bit hard to find the website but I found it see you soon
Shane, Cant wait to have a couple stood at that bar. Hope you've got some proper beer in . None of this light or midi crap!!!!
maaaate, bar looks awesome , nice work...can i come over and be Barney?
Beer time.
mate. Sitting here with Mark at Steamboat Spring CO and checking out ya bar pics, looks so awesome all done, see ya at xmas mate.
Two years later, and still a great resource! Your bar looks great, and the information is much appreciated.
Any chance you could let us know how tall and how wide/deep each of the two tops (the "patron" bartop and the "barback") are? Knowing what good heights are would be a big help when planning to build a bar.
Also, since I am trying to figure out what I can do to help a friend turn a (likely smaller) space into a bar, knowing how long your bar is (how far it comes away from the wall) would be great for trying to scale things down as well. Just knowing how big each of those square floor tiles is would help with that bit. ;)
JoN, some info for you....
Bartop width/height: 320mm/1100mm
Lower top width/height: 620mm/900mm
Length from wall: 1850mm for main straight length, plus a further 600mm to the perpendicular end.
(Floor tiles are 400mm sq)
Hope that helps plan out your bar.
I would love to see the pics on your blog.. unfortunately they are not avail… can you send them to me.. I am in the process of building one myself and they will be really useful…seen your completed bar pics.. wonderful job...
Pics reloaded, not sure why they become 'deleted' :( Thanks for the comment and hope they help
Fantastic bar, really love it. Going to start on my own in the coming weeks. Sorry to be a pain but it seems some of the blog photos have vanished again- and chance of a re-upload? Cheers!
How did you make your trim on your 45 Degree angles. I have a bar that is similiar, however, I am having trouble with the trim.
Also, it looks like u used 2 by 4's to trim the bottom???
Hey Lenbone,
45 degree angles were cut on mitre box. It is 2x4 to form the base, with a trim on the face of that.
Have you got any plan dimension or you just made it up as you went?
The bar was made without a plan, simply custom fit where I wanted it to go, so it just came together as it needed to. When time permits I could try and knock up a material list and measure it up as it stands. Some simple measurements are already shown in previous comments, so hope that helps a bit.
Judge by the tiles, build a frame and study the pictures, everything will come out fine... Mine did
Does anyone have the measurements for this bar? It's exactly what I'm looking for!
I love this bar, do you have the supply list of the timber you bought? I want to build one almost exactly like this.
I too would like to know if you can provide a list of supplies needed (lumber mainly) I like your bar and would not deviate much from the way you went with it.
Can you provide a material list or any measurements if you have the time?
I'm looking to do something like this as well!
Great job!
Awesome job I am starting my Bar soon thanks for the information
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